NoteCaddy Webinar Now Available For Download
Poker Software

NoteCaddy Webinar Now Available For Download

Monday March 12th, 2012


If you don’t know, the HM team sponsored a live NoteCaddy poker software webinar last Friday with Nilay Chaterjee (HM & NC Support) and Alan Jackson (Poker Coach).  Both gave insight into how and why NoteCaddy will change poker in the coming months.

Like anything with poker, the quicker you get up to speed on current trends, the more you will win and the less you will lose.  This has happened over and over again the last 10 years.


All of these events had significant impact on how poker is played and analyzed.  The players who adjusted their overall strategy during these key events profited the most.  

NoteCaddy clones have popped up, but nothing comes close to giving you the complete package that NoteCaddy delivers.  Don’t take our word for it; ask the pro’s, watch this video and try the software yourself.

Discuss the NoteCaddy Webinar in the forums. 


















Hold'em Manager should be the only program at this time used by poker players that exclusively play cash tables.

- Bonus Genius