Assassinato Combo - HUD Details
Assassinato Combo


Assassinato Combo

The Assassinato HUD was developed in conjunction with Cardrunners Pro Alex 'Assassinato' Fitzgerald. Alex has amassed over $3.5 million in tournament earnings and is also a winning mid stakes cash game player. The HUD is layed out in an easy to understand configuration.

Each stat in the HUD is labeled for easy identification and attached to each stat is a NoteCaddy popup with information relevant to that stat. Badges such as Fold vs 3Bet by stack size, checks back and folds often, fold vs postflop raises often and donk bets weak will help quickly identify opponent tendencies and leaks. Positional raise first in ranges separated by stack size, post flop bet sizings, board texture frequencies and timing tells have all been incorporated into the Assassinato HUD as well.

What exact hands are in someones's 15% opening range? Does this person usually have a strong hand when betting 75% of the pot? What types of flops does this person like to donk? Does this person fold vs resteals with 20-25 big blind stacks? The Assassinato HUD will show you all this and more.

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