HM2 poker software releases build 7990. The HM2 hand viewer got a major update and includes the following updates:
We tried to take on as much feedback on the hand viewer as possible. You can read more about the new hand viewer in the official HM2 Blog HERE.
Rounding out the major updates are Run it twice hands being supported along with a Table Scanner 2 and NoteCaddy update.
Build Notes:
HM-7423 - I-Poker: Table auto detected now when you get reseated
HM-7821 - Corrected stack size in big blinds issues reported in beta
HM-7830 - Corrected Winnings in live hand viewer dropdown shows net won instead of Pot Size
HM-7524 - Corrected formatting issues with Opponents Tab
HM-7883 - Corrected issues with Tournament hands show as Cash hands when imported simultaneously in isolated cases
Corrected issue on IPoker (Gala) HU PLO SNG results incorrect
Improvement – Hand Viewer Design - This is work in progress and more improvements on the way
Improvement - HUD Line Analysis missing preflop and postflop filters compared to Opponents section
Improvement - Auto detection of hand history folders for Ipoker, Merge and Microgaming
Improvement - Stat issue: TOT, MP and EP Squeeze stats don’t show Sample Size in Popups
Improvement - Opponents - Summaries: Date Range Filter implementation to reduce number of clicks
Improvement - Default Pre-Selected HUD Config in HUD Options should be the one most recently Edited
New Feature - Automatically overwrite corrupt (0KB) .report files with default ones
New Feature - Add Game Type filter to Opponents > Tournaments
New Feature - Parsing support for "Run it Twice" hands
New Feature - Boss Preferred Seating Implementation
Notecaddy Update v2.4.12.8
Table Scanner Updates:
Table Scanner - Corrected issue on 888 - Fish, Regular, Friend Incorrectly Tagged Via Note Window
Table Scanner - Corrected issue with AutoRate - doesn’t work with Multitable stat
Table Scanner - Corrected issues with Don't Show My Tables functionality
Table Scanner - Corrected issues on Merge waitlist number not being read from lobby
Table Scanner - Corrected Ipoker issue when joining multiple tables at the same time
Table Scanner - Corrected Prima issue with join/open showing wrong table if Turbo and NonTurbo tables have same # in name
Hand Viewer Design:
We tried to take on as much feedback on the hand viewer as possible. Some of the things we implemented in the latest round of improvements are:
Hold'em Manager should be the only program at this time used by poker players that exclusively play cash tables.
- Bonus Genius